The Internet has a Face – Video!

9 04 2007

Digital Ethnography, the people that brought us the edublogger smash-hit “The Machine is Using Us,” has put out a new video entitled “The Internet has a Face.” From their post introducing the video:

“Before, we were reliant upon what the user has expressed through words, however, when one can read beyond words through visuals, the communication seems to become more “human and personal.” If there was a fear that the internet was making society antisocial, vlogging would seek to prove otherwise.”

UPDATE: The video used to be here, but I removed it because of a repeated expletive throughout the video. If you want to see it you can click here but it may not be work appropriate.

As I watch this video I begin to realize the impact online media has had on our culture and will continue to have. We are truly digital people who live and share our lives online.



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