In Loving Memory of Jamie Bishop

18 04 2007

I have to forewarn you, this is going to be a serious blog entry.  I found out yesterday that someone I knew was killed in the Virginia Tech shootings that has been all over the news.  If you read the news and listen to the reports the gunman went into a German classroom at the University and shot the professor followed by 32 other people.  That professor was my good friend Jamie Bishop.

I met Jamie several days after I arrived in Chapel Hill 2 1/2 years ago.  He was the OASIS instructional technology guy in Dey Hall.  He was, for all intents and purposes, my supervisor and leader my first year here.  I shared an office with him my entire first year here.  He taught me all about web design and helped me as I meandered my way into the world wide web of web publishing.  The fact that I have a blog (not to mention any of the rest of the people I manage blogs for) is a direct result of his training and encouragement. 

But far more important than his technical training was his friendship.  I can’t even begin to count the wonderful conversations we had with one another.  Jamie, me and Kevin Hunt (the other Tech TA working in Dey 110 that year) used to talk about everything from politics to deity.  I was certainly swayed toward the Democrats as a result and I would like to think he got closer to God through our talks. 

Probably the most important thing Jamie ever did for me was support me when I talked with him about leaving the German department.  He too had a MA in German, but worked with Instructional Technology.  When I talked with him about possibilities he told me I should do what he does.  I loved technology and had already learned a ton… thanks to him.  I took his advise to heart and obviously it worked.  Today I am what he was two years ago, the tech/instructional technology support for Dey Hall.  I sit at his desk and help and associate with the people he did two years ago.  And even now I am still trying to fill the shoes he did while he was here. 

It is no small stretch to say that I am where I am now because of Jamie.  His training taught me, his words encouraged me, his association furthered me, and his friendship blessed me.  I am grateful to have known Jamie and know I am not the only one. 

I don’t know how long Steffi, his wife will keep his webpage up, but I hope it is for a long time.  He did fantastic work and I highly recommend you all check it out!  It is a great representation of his skills.  If you really want to get a feel for what kind of person he was check his journal out.  Although he didn’t update it the past year or so (lesson to us all), there is lots of archives. 

Good bye Jamie, you will be missed.



8 responses

18 04 2007
Neil Hokanson

I am saddened to hear this news Jeff. My heart goes out to you and Jamie’s family and friends.

18 04 2007
Ali Grieve

Jeff, although I did not know Jamie personally, I was fortunate to meet his parents 2 years ago when I had his father as the Writer Guest of Honor at Norwescon, a Sci-fi convention in Seattle. We spoke of our children and Michael and Jeri were very proud parents with much love for their son and daughter.

At times like this it is difficult to make sense of such a tragic event and often search for an answer to the question “WHY”?

Thank you for sharing your feelings about Jamie with us. Please know that Jamie, his family and friends are in the thoughts and prayers of myself as well as the entire Norwescon family here in Seattle.

18 04 2007
Jeff VanDrimmelen

Link to NY Times Blog entry where you can leave your comments, memories and well wishes about Jamie.

18 04 2007
Jeff VanDrimmelen

Jamie’s Biography in Chronicle of Higher Ed.

20 04 2007
23 04 2007
23 04 2007
24 04 2007
Jeff VanDrimmelen

Funeral Arrangements:

A memorial service for Jamie Bishop, Jocelyn Couture-Nowack, and their 15 students who were killed in the shootings will be held on Wednesday, April 25, from 5-6 p.m. in the Multipurpose Room of the Graduate Life Center at Virginia Tech. The Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures is organizing this event and it is open to anyone wishing to attend.

Jamie’s family welcomes anyone who wishes to pay their last respects and has not already attended any of the services or gatherings in remembrance of him in either Blacksburg, Va., or Pine Mountain, Ga., to attend a Thursday, April 26 memorial service at the First United Methodist Church of Pine Mountain beginning at 3 p.m. (206 N. McDougald Ave. North, Pine Mountain, Georgia).

In lieu of flowers, contributions in Jamie’s memory can be sent to the:

Bishop-Hofer Support Fund
c/o Wachovia Bank
Blacksburg Financial Center
200 North Main Street VA7044
Blacksburg, VA 24060

The Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures has also established a memorial scholarship for German majors at Virginia Tech. Contributions can be sent to:

Jamie Bishop Scholarship
Virginia Tech Foundation
University Development
902 Prices Fork Road
Blacksburg, VA 24061

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