Still haven’t converted over to RSS… watch this!

24 04 2007

I ran across this great video this morning (on a blog in my RSS reader) for those of you who aren’t using RSS yet… now’s the time. Get on board!

Click To Play


There are two types of Internet users, those that use RSS and those that don’t. This video is for the people who could save time using RSS, but don’t know where to start.

A while ago I also blogged about why RSS is going to change the academic community. That might be of some interest to some of you too. Cheers!

UPDATE: Just in case you were wondering… I do have a feed for my blog too. You can see several ways to subscribe on the right… and even see that 77 (as of today) others have subscribed as well.



7 responses

24 04 2007
And He Blogs » C’mon, Use RSS Already!

[…] discovered this via Jeff VanDrimmelen on Lee Lefever’s blog. It’s a Web 2.0 style video of the benefits of using RSS called […]

24 04 2007
Mario tout de go

Fils de nouvelles vous dites?…

Les promenades en zone anglophone recèlent souvent de beaux trésors… Il s’agit des fils de nouvelles expliqués simplement: Cliquez pour voir……

25 04 2007
25 04 2007
Mario tout de go

Fils de nouvelles vous dites?…

Les promenades en zone anglophone recèlent souvent de beaux trésors… Il s’agit des fils de nouvelles expliqués simplement: Cliquez pour voir («click to play, because» c’est en anglais!) &desc=&url=http…

15 05 2007
Faculty Academy 2007 » Blog Archive » C’mon, Use RSS Already!

[…] discovered this via Jeff VanDrimmelen on Lee Lefever’s blog. It’s a Web 2.0 style video of the benefits of using RSS called […]

15 05 2007
UMW New Media Center » Blog Archive » C’mon, Use RSS Already!

[…] discovered this via Jeff VanDrimmelen on Lee Lefever’s blog. It’s a Web 2.0 style video of the benefits of using RSS called […]

10 07 2008
John Rutledge

that little video about how to use RSS feeders was truly EXCELLENT! I wish everything I wanted to know about could come to me just as compact, simple, clear. Congratulations on really good pedagogy.


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