Empowerment by Sharing: Tools for Today’s Classroom at EDUCAUSE2007

24 10 2007

Stacey Kizer, EdD Doctoral Student at Pepperdine University.

I chose this session because it is supposed to be about “Best practices in developing, sharing, and using course content online
through wikis, blogs, podcasting, RSS feeds, and social bookmarking.” These are all new Web 2.0 technologies that I already work quite a bit with. I am interested in seeing what others have to say about them…


  • In an almost ironic beginning to a Web 2.0 presentation, she started out her presentation and had some immediate problems playing video because she was using a presenters laptop. Hee Hee…
  • Web 2.0 gives students a voice that they might not normally have. Video blog, regular blog, or just blogging in general will get those high-risk students not only involved, but deeply involved.


  • We need to take the knowledge we already have and share it with others.
  • All you need is a computer, an internet connection, and iTunes and you are good to go!
  • Even getting teachers to stream podcasts is a GREAT start!

Video Blogging:

  • Producing Video’s that document your life/classroom teaching/classroom activities.
  • TeacherTube.com
  • Animoto – The end of slideshows… beginning of student blogs! Project to get still pictures and put it with appropriate music

Social Bookmarking:

  • Diigo.com – Not just social bookmark a page, but annotate that site as well!
    • This leads me back to a big point from earlier today… when can I annotate with INK?!! I have a tablet and with the onset of multi-touch technology it is going to become more important. I want something that is like real life, but with the power of digital tagging and searching…

Unfortunately because we had problems at the beginning we ran out of time she didn’t have a chance to get to a lot of what she had planned… so… Email Stacey to get a copy of her handout… it’s a great resource!! Ask for the powerpoint as well!



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