7 Ways Google’s new Mobile Android Platform Could Impact Education

14 11 2007

So the release of Google’s new mobile Android platform is a couple of days old now, but I just finally found some time to read up about it and see a demo. Let’s start with that. (Note, you can skip the first minute and just go onto the demo…)

Well… I’m sad there is no gPhone… but on the other hand… Wow! I must say I am impressed. Just the design alone is awesome and reminds me a lot of the iPhone with one difference… OPEN SOURCE! I am more and more converted to educators using Open Source… not only for the cost, but the ability to make what ever you want. Imagine having the capabilities of the iPhone, but without the iBrick tendencies. 🙂 So without further adieu, here is my list of 5 ways Google’s new Android Platform could impact education:

1. Cost – FREE… what more needs to be said?

2. OPEN – With an awesome Software Development Kit that is totally open (you can even change the dialer and home screen). You can pretty much build any application you want!

3. Multiple Platform Capability – This is not one device that everyone has to have… it is a platform that will be able to run on all mobile devices!

4. Virtual/Distance Education/Gaming – Open GL capabilities and AWESOME graphics! Imagine navigating a virtual world using mobile devices and interacting with your hands for those with multi-touch screens! Takes experiential learning to a new level. (Just FYI… Croquet uses Open GL… 🙂 )

5. Collaboration – Education is more and more about working together in a GLOBAL community. With built in notifications and mapping software, it would be easy to write an application to notify a group of friends where you are all at once for an impromptu meeting.

6. Mobile Learning – It is becoming more important to have access to information where ever we are. Imagine being out in the field studying zoology and looking up a new bug you have never seen before on wikipedia. Nice.

7. High-Speed Capabilities – One of the BIG problems with the iPhone is the slower cellular network. It made video impossible. Now that functionality can be added in as well.

And this is just the beginning. The sky is really the limit with a product like this. Once again… thank you Google for pushing the envelope! Read the rest of this entry »

Linux Mainstream? My Venture into Open-Source!

13 11 2007

We have been hearing a lot of buzz in the market as of late about cheap computers! (I don’t know a single educator that isn’t looking to save a buck or two.) With the recent launch of the gOS $200 Walmart Computer (which is ALREADY sold out) are we actually on the verge Linux finally becoming mainstream?  (I won’t even get into how much I like an operating system that has a bunch of Google links built into the launch bar… my dream machine… )

Well, to be honest, it is tempting to me, and I am certainly leaning that way. I have been using Linux for about a year on and off as one of my main computers (in fact I am researching and typing this blog on a Ubuntu installation). I recently recommitted myself to using open-source software in my home as much as possible (Steve would be so proud (not THAT Steve)). What, if nothing else, do we as educators want than to spread knowledge as far and wide as possible. We already have thousands of people working on these operating systems and they are so easy!

One quick techie example. I needed to burn an .iso of a CD the other day. I downloaded the image on my PC only to realize that it was a new installation of Vista and I didn’t have a CD burning program on there yet. Ugg… okay, I’ll go to my Mac (my main machine right now). Once again I was thwarted because I couldn’t connect to the network drive to download the image. Ugg… okay… how do I do this in Ubuntu? Quick Google search… oh, that’s easy. Connected to share no problem… and really… right-click and select write to disk? Wow! I feel like I need a Staples “That was Easy” button.

Yes, I had to look up how to do it the first time. Yes, there is a learning curve, but really… does it get any easier than right-click and select? No additional software needed?

So enough rambling. Will Linux become mainstream? Who can say… it will for me. That’s one more converted over. 🙂

p.s. I edited the image above with GIMP… free! No expensive Photoshop needed! Ah… I feel like I saved a million dollars today.