Future of Computer Repair… BACK UP YOUR DATA!

19 02 2008

Great article today published on our main tech webpage.  The director of the repair center was asked where he saw the future of computer repair going.  He said:

“The whole business model is going to change with the coming of the
solid state hard drives,” said Futrelle. “Hard drives are the most
likely component to fail. The solid state hard drives have no moving
parts and so the failures should decrease dramatically. But these new
components will also give you little or no chance of recovery in case
of a failure. Ever see a graduate student cry because they have lost
their dissertation and don’t have a back-up? It isn’t pretty. That’s
why Iron Mountain and other back-up solutions are so important.”

Have you backed up recently?



One response

5 06 2008

It’s amazing how computers have evolved over the last 25-30 years. I was a computer tech back when we were still using DOS. I said I would never go to Windows. HA!! I wonder whats coming next!

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