Welcome to Two New Writers on EduTechie.com

14 10 2008

I am DELIGHTED to welcome two new people that will be posting on EduTechie.

Darryle Bajomo is a junior Graphic Design major (in the journalism school) here at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.  He is a native of Charlotte, North Carolina and likes to do video game design in his non-existient spare time, and plays on the UNC club football team.

Anthony Lobianco is a sophomore Computer Science major here at UNC, although he too is thinking of changing Graphic Design at some point.  He is from Hendersonville North Carolina.  He likes video game design, but also sports an iTouch for keeping up with life and things.

Both have started working with me on a regular basis and will continue along the same line I have been writing about for a long time: educational technology, web 2.0 technology and any technology that might help us better teach and reach students.  In addition to that, I hope they will add a new layer of insight form a student perspective. Welcome aboard!  We are so excited to have you!