New Blog Host and Design

14 02 2009

As some of you may have noticed EduTechie was down the beginning of last week for a couple of days.  There were some problems with my old web host.  In the end I decided it would be best if I didn’t manage the blog anymore, and let someone else take care of that for me. 🙂

The past couple of days I have been migrating to to let them host it for me so I can focus more on content, and less on the technical side of things.  I lost some of the nice plugins I had (like auto posting of google shared items… but who really liked those anyway? 🙂 ).

If you are reading this, then everything was successful.  They have a nice function that allows me to keep my old domain name so everything should be the same for y’all.

As part of the process I had to install a new theme… what do you think?



2 responses

22 04 2009

emm. nice ))

5 05 2009

nice! i’m gonna make my own blog

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