Haptic Education: Adding the Tactile Sensation to Digital Learning

18 11 2008

Here is the slides from my second presentation from today at UNCCause as well for those that may be looking for it. Both sessions went well… enjoy! 🙂

Using the Power of the Web to Organize your Life and Get things Done

18 11 2008

Here is the Powerpoint from my presentation today about organizing your life using technology to get more things done!  There is a bit of weird formatting stuff that happened when I uploaded it to Google, but you can get the info you need from it!  There is a lot of good stuff in there that has helped me!  Enjoy!

Back at it with Conference Proposals

8 08 2008

Okay… It has been a couple of months, and it is just killing me. Almost every day I see something that I want to pass along, so I am going to end m Hiatus and write a couple of blog posts now and again.

I have been working on two conference proposals, so hopefully I can write some of what I am proposing here as a sounding board… because, really, what is a blog anyway… 🙂

Here are my two topics I am thinking of proposing:

  • “iPhone/iTouch in Education – How Location Aware, Ubiquitous Computing, Multi-Touch and Accelerometer will impact computing and Education.” – This proposal will focus on first on the capabilities of iPhones/iTouch’s and then on some of the applications that are available.
  • “Using Web 2.0 to Help Those with Learning Disabilities.” – This proposal is growing out of some workshops I have been doing for our learning disabilities group here on campus. I realized that this is a place where technology can really help students, but not much has been written about it.

What do you think?