gOS – Tiny Computers Take Over Market

9 01 2008

I have been a fan of the gOs for a while, but the most recent announcement of this super small laptop for $399 is just awesome (coming January 20th in Walmart).  I have always wanted a smaller Sony Vaio notebook, but the price tag (usually at lest $1500) was more than I could swallow.  This looks very promising.  I think it is time to rebuild my Linux test box and put gOS on it to see how I like it. 

Check out these awesome specs for this little device:

  • $399
  • 2 lbs
  • 7″ screen
  • WiFi
  • 3 USB ports
  • 4-in-1 card reader. 

I want, I want, I want…

Ubiquitous Computing – Linux and Google

7 01 2008

Ubiquitous computing (or “ubicomp”) is a post-desktop model of human-computer interaction in which information processing has been thoroughly integrated into everyday objects and activities. As opposed to the desktop paradigm, in which a single user consciously engages a single device for a specialized purpose, someone “using” ubiquitous computing engages many computational devices and systems simultaneously, in the course of ordinary activities, and may not necessarily even be aware that they are doing so. ((Wikipedia – Ubiquitous computing))

Two quick links.  Here is a great article posted this morning on GigaOM about Linux being the OS of the Ubiquitous computing revolution… the beginning of us interacting with technology everywhere.  This is so true… we see it everywhere in all sorts of devices, and the OS we are using is becoming increasingly insignificant. 

I would also argue that Google is becoming the medium for that ubiquitous computing.  They are creating java programs that run on every type of mobile device, and all their servers run Linux as well. 

The second article comes from another favorite: Webware.  This article looks at one of the newest and greatest GPS devices and their integration with the web and Google Local search.  If that is ubiquitous, I don’t know what is.  I am not sure on this one, but I am guessing that most GPS programs run some sort of Linux program as well… 🙂 

Linux Mainstream? My Venture into Open-Source!

13 11 2007

We have been hearing a lot of buzz in the market as of late about cheap computers! (I don’t know a single educator that isn’t looking to save a buck or two.) With the recent launch of the gOS $200 Walmart Computer (which is ALREADY sold out) are we actually on the verge Linux finally becoming mainstream?  (I won’t even get into how much I like an operating system that has a bunch of Google links built into the launch bar… my dream machine… )

Well, to be honest, it is tempting to me, and I am certainly leaning that way. I have been using Linux for about a year on and off as one of my main computers (in fact I am researching and typing this blog on a Ubuntu installation). I recently recommitted myself to using open-source software in my home as much as possible (Steve would be so proud (not THAT Steve)). What, if nothing else, do we as educators want than to spread knowledge as far and wide as possible. We already have thousands of people working on these operating systems and they are so easy!

One quick techie example. I needed to burn an .iso of a CD the other day. I downloaded the image on my PC only to realize that it was a new installation of Vista and I didn’t have a CD burning program on there yet. Ugg… okay, I’ll go to my Mac (my main machine right now). Once again I was thwarted because I couldn’t connect to the network drive to download the image. Ugg… okay… how do I do this in Ubuntu? Quick Google search… oh, that’s easy. Connected to share no problem… and really… right-click and select write to disk? Wow! I feel like I need a Staples “That was Easy” button.

Yes, I had to look up how to do it the first time. Yes, there is a learning curve, but really… does it get any easier than right-click and select? No additional software needed?

So enough rambling. Will Linux become mainstream? Who can say… it will for me. That’s one more converted over. 🙂

p.s. I edited the image above with GIMP… free! No expensive Photoshop needed! Ah… I feel like I saved a million dollars today.