How to Back Up your Data –

20 01 2009

Let me start this post off with a little story.  I started working in IT about 5 years ago.  One of the downfalls of working with technology is that sometimes you think you can fix anything.  Well… I knew I should be backing up my data and made some paltry CD backups, but never really took it seriously.  I told myself “I am a techie and can fix anything.”

Well… let me just tell you that there are some things I can’t fix.  And hard drives DO FAIL!

Since my unfortunate hard drive failure and the resulting loss of pictures and data I have researched dozens of back-up options.  I now have a complex techie solution I use for my pictures, videos and documents that involves a script and automated backups to my own personal off site server where it duplicated the data once more on a Raid network device.  But that is obviously not for everyone.  🙂

That being said I have long looked for a good solution that I could recommend to others.  I finally found it.  It is the folks.

In the interest of full disclosure, I have signed up for an affiliate program that gives me a little bit on money when people do sign up so if you are going to sign up, please consider going there from any of the links on my blog.  I figure this can help pay for the domain name and space I use to maintain this blog out of my own pocket. 🙂


Check out this comparison page for more information.

They even have a Mac version!  How awesome is that?  I have it installed and running now and it is GREAT!

How it Works:

You install it once, leave it and you can sleep at night knowing you have a backup.  The first time takes a while, but it uses slow network time.  I could still surf and even watch streaming video while it did the initial backup.

Restoring Data – There are three easy ways to restore data with the Free version.

  • Use the client version to restore it right on machine.
  • Web version to restore
  • DVD sent to your home ($)

Overall, I am VERY pleased with this and highly recommend it to everyone!  Even if you only use it for the free version to back up the important documents… give it a try!